SSH Into remote machine

Farhan Tanvir Utshaw
1 min readJun 5, 2020

Let, a user wants to ssh into remote machine from admin01 machine , the remote machine is server02 (I’ve configured IP addresses of server02 inside admin01 machine’s /etc/hosts file, you must use IP address of server02 instead of the hostname “server02” if you haven’t configured)

After login into admin01 machine generate public-private key pair:


Copy the public key after executing the command below:

cat ~/.ssh/

In the remote machine server02, create .ssh directory inside home:

Paste the public key of admin01 here:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh ; touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Insert admin01’s public key into server02’s authorized_key file:

echo "${MY_KEY}" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

SSH into server02 from admin01:

ssh server02

YouTube video demonstration

I was having issues with `ssh-copy-id server02` command. It was giving this error:

permission denied (publickey gssapi-keyex gssapi-with-mic)

So, I’ve solved it in this way.

