Easy Python

Only the important parts

Farhan Tanvir Utshaw
7 min readFeb 9, 2023

Set environment variables for Windows command line

Search for IDLE on search bar. Open file location.
Open file location for IDLE (Python 3.12 64-bit) file
Copy the current address on the address bar

Search for environment variables -> Environment variables -> System variables -> Path -> Edit -> New -> Paste that path -> Ok -> Ok

Set on powershell


Python is dynamically typed (type depends on assignment & given during runtime)

greeting = 'hello' # greeting is of type string
greeting = 123 # greeting is of type int

Python is a strongly typed language (checks data types when an operation is done on the variable)

greeting = 123
print(greeting + "there") # doesn't convert int greeting 123 to str '123' automatically
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Name your variables

  1. use snake_case for variable, function, package, module names: sum_of_marks , forward_position ,
  2. Use PascalCase and noun for the class name: Student , Person
  3. Use UPPER_CASE for constants: MAX_QUANTITY = 200
  4. When the purpose of the function is to return something use noun: area() usage: shape.area() # 12 not get_area()
  5. Use verb when something is getting done inside the function: empty_recyclebin()

Variable, Identifier, literals

Variable: a location in the memory to hold data.

Identifier: the name associated with a variable or function to use those

Literal: A constant value typically stored in a variable.

salary = 12000 here salary is the variable name and 12000 is literal

Data types

Most commonly used data types: int, float, str, dictionary, set, list

int: is an integer (-100, -3, -2, 0, 1, 100, etc)

float: floating point numbers (100.12, 2.3, etc)

str: string data type i.e a sequence of characters (“John”, etc)

It doesn’t have character data type. You can access individual characters inside a string using index but that single element is a string too.

string literals are stored in the read-only section of the memory.

name = "John"
print(type(name[2])) # <class 'str'>

Type casting

bool(-10) # True
bool(0) # False
int('10') # 10


room = 213
name = 'John'
temperature = 25.53567
print(f"I'm {name} staying at room {room} with temperature {temperature:.2f}")


Taking input (input function always assigns a string to the variable):

name = input("What's your name") # waits for user input
print(name) # name is of type string
number_of_courses = input("How many courses: ")
print(number_of_courses) # number_of_courses is string
number_of_courses = int(number_of_courses) # casting to int
volume_of_bottle = float(input('Enter the volume')) # casting immediately


use def keyword then write the function name. The function body will be indented by four spaces or a tab equivalent.

varsity_name = 'UIU'

def say_hi(name, greeting):
# global varsity_name
varsity_name = 'BUET'
print(f"{greeting} {name} from {varsity_name}")

say_hi(greeting='Hola', name='John')
print(varsity_name) # global

The output of the preceding program:

Hola John from BUET

When we are assigning a value to varsity_name inside say_hi function, the function will treat the varsity_name as local to the function. In order to utilize the global varsity_name variable, you must declare global varsity_name inside the function (uncommenting that statement).

Operator overloading

"Hello" + " World"  # Output: "Hello World"
5 + 10 # Output: 15
[1, 2] + [3, 4] # Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]


module ⊂ Python file

python script ⊂Python file
Module is intended to be imported

Python script is intended to be just run

Data types again


insertion ordered (As of Python 3.7), mutable, doesn’t support duplicate key, supports duplicate values

You want to get detailed information about something based on key information (preferably short). Then use a dictionary. The detail or intended information is value, and whatever info you got is the key.

For example, you want to know the details of a person with ID: 007. Then 007 is the key, the detail is the value. You put the detail against 007 key. Then whenever you want to know information you just give 007 to the storage, it will give you the detail.

dict = {
"007": "John Doe, a programmer",
"001": "Jane Doe, an architect"
print(dict["007"]) # John Doe, a programmer
print(dict["008"]) # KeyError
print(dict.get("009")) # None
print(dict.get("009", "Samantha")) # Samantha
del dict["007"] # deletes "007" entry
print("008" in dict) # True
for key in dict: # dictionary iterator gives the keys
print(key, dict[key])
print(dict.keys()) # all the keys
print(dict.values()) # all the values
print(dict.items()) # key,val pairs

If the key doesn’t exist, then we get KeyError when accessing the dictionary using a bracket. Using the get method gives None for the nonexistent key, the second argument can be used to get around None, this argument will be returned by get when the supplied key doesn’t exist in the dictionary.

You can use anything as the value in a dictionary i.e. Even functions

def meow():
print("Meow... meow")

def bark():
print("Hau hau....")

animals = {
"cat" : meow,
"dog" : bark,

animal_type = input() # cat or dog


unordered, mutable, doesn’t support duplicate content

The contents of the set must be immutable.

animal_types = {"human"}
animal_types.update(["cat", "dog"])
animal_types.add("human") # doesn't add human again as it's there
animal_types.discard("dog") # discard dog from the set
plant_types = {"Herbs", "Shrubs"}
print(plant_types.union(animal_types)) # returns a new set
print(plant_types.intersection(animal_types))# returns a new set
print(animal_types.difference(plant_types))# returns a new set


insertion ordered, mutable, supports duplicate entry

pencil_box = [
"Rubber", "Pencil", "Pen", "Scale", ("Sharpner", "Dirt"), 10000

pencil_box.append("Leaflet") # insertion at the end
pencil_box.insert(1, "Paper") # insertion at index 1
pencil_box.pop(1) # remove element from index 1
for item in pencil_box: # for each loop
print(pencil_box.index('Scale')) # 3

list comprehension

can’t do a multiline computation, can do single line i.e. item**2

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
even_squared = [item**2 for item in arr if item % 2 == 0] # conditionally
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
arr = ['EVEN' if num % 2 == 0 else 'ODD' for num in numbers ]


a = [ 4, 1, 3, 7, 3, 5, 2]

# start:stop:skip
# start inclusive
# stop exclusive

print(a[1: 3]) # [1, 3]
print(a[1: 300]) # [1, 3, 7, 3, 5, 2]
print(a[-100: 300]) # [4, 1, 3, 7, 3, 5, 2]
print(a[5:]) # [5, 2]
print(a[0:5:2]) # [4, 3, 3]
print(a[::-1]) # [2, 5, 3, 7, 3, 1, 4]
print(a[-1:-3:-1]) # [2, 5]


ordered, immutable

courses = ("CSE", "EEE", "BBA")
print(courses[0]) # CSE
for course in courses:



q = deque("catataccagcaacataacgtagggttgagaacatactcgtac")
q[1] = "g"

Mutable vs Immutable

Mutable -> The original content can be changed

Immutable -> The original content can’t be changed

vowels = ["A", "E", "I", "O"]

letters = vowels
print(vowels). # ['A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U']
print(id(vowels), id(letters)) # 4330599680 4330599680

person = "John"
student = "John"
print(id(person), id(student)) # 4331537008 4331537008
student = student + "son"
print(id(person), id(student)) # 4331537008 4331199280

Lists are mutable. Both vowels and letters are pointing to the same object. So, when we change through any of the variable, the original content is getting modified. [id function returns the address of the object]

On the other hand, the person and student are initially pointing to the same string literal “John”. But as strings are immutable, as soon as we start modifying a variable a new literal for that variable is getting created in the heap.

lambda expression

nameless aka anonymous functions

Can’t use lambda expression for multiline functions

lambda x1, x2, .. xn: x1 + x2 + … xn

this expression sums all the values supplied to it

add_all = lambda x1, x2, x3 : x1 + x2 + x3
print(add_all(1, 2, 3)) # 6

lambda may return lambda too

straight_line_equation = lambda a, b, c: lambda x, y: a*x + b*y + c
print(straight_line_equation(1, 1, 1)(-2, 1)) # 0

Useful functions

sorting using sort/sorted

import functools

car_companies = [
# company_name, revenue
("Volkswagen", "284"),
("Toyota", "270"),
("Stellantis", "182"),
("Mercedes", "156"),
("Ford", "151"),
("Honda", "147"),
("Tesla", "75")

car_companies.sort(key=lambda item: item[0])
car_companies.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda item1, item2: float(item2[1]) - float(item1[1])))

comparator function should return

  1. a negative value for the item1 to be sorted before the item2
  2. a positive value for the item1 to be sorted after the item2
  3. 0 when both items are given equal priorities


companies = [
# name, rev in B
("Amazon", 503),
("Amazon", 395),
("Alphabet", 283),

print(list(map(lambda x: x[1] * (10**9) , companies))) # [503000000000, 395000000000, 283000000000]


brands = [
"Louis Vuitton",

brand_net_worths = [

print(list(zip(brands, brand_net_worths))) # [('Gucci', 18), ('Dior', 154), ('Chanel', 30), ('Louis Vuitton', 440), ('Hermes', 4)]

pip, virtual environment


the package manager for python

installs, updates packages not available in the standard python library

virtual environment

pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv venv # create the environment named venv
source venv/bin/activate # activate the venv
pip list # all packages installed in the environment
pip freeze --local > requirements.txt # only the local dependencies
deactivate # goes out of the environment
# use specific python version using -p option
virtualenv -p /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/bin/python3 py310_en
source py310_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt # install all dependencies specified in the file


__str__ for string representation of the object

__repr__ printable representation of the object

__eq__ for == operator

class Car:
def __init__(self, transmission, engine, tire): # constructor
self.transmission = transmission
self.engine = engine
self.tire = tire

def __eq__(self, car): # for == operator
return car.engine == self.engine and car.tire == self.tire and car.transmission == self.transmission

def check_if_equals(self, car):
return car.engine == self.engine and car.tire == self.tire and car.transmission == self.transmission

car = Car("CVT", "VVTI", "Pireli")
car2 = Car("CVT", "VVTI", "Pireli")

print(car == car2)

Another example

class Soldier:

def __init__(self, name, health, sword_strength):
self.name = name
self.health = health
self.sword_strength = sword_strength

def __eq__(self, s): # for == operator
return self.name == s.name and self.health == s.health and self.sword_strength == s.sword_strength

def __str__(self):
return f"Name: {self.name} Health: {self.health} Sword: {self.sword_strength}"

def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()

soldier1 = Soldier("John", 80, 9)
soldier4 = Soldier("John", 80, 9)
soldier2 = Soldier("Jane", 75, 10)
soldier3 = Soldier("Arthur", 100, 5)

print(soldier1 == soldier4)

soldiers = [soldier1, soldier2, soldier3]

copy module

shallow copy | keeps the references intact

import copy

d1 = {
"01": ["apple", "orange"],
"02": ["pen", "pencil"]

d2 = copy.copy(d1)
d2["01"] = ["key", "chocolate"]
d2["02"][0] = "leaflet"
print(d1) # {'01': ['apple', 'orange'], '02': ['leaflet', 'pencil']}
print(d2) # {'01': ['key', 'chocolate'], '02': ['leaflet', 'pencil']}

deep copy | even copies the individual elements

d2 = copy.deepcopy(d1)
d2["01"] = ["key", "chocolate"]
d2["02"][0] = "leaflet"
print(d1) # {'01': ['apple', 'orange'], '02': ['pen', 'pencil']}
print(d2) # {'01': ['key', 'chocolate'], '02': ['leaflet', 'pencil']}


Use shebang:

#!/usr/bin/env python

If that gives error, create a simlink (assuming python3 is located at /usr/bin/python3)

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python



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