Vector | Insertion Order
2 min readOct 6, 2023
vector< pair<int, pair<int, int>>> vect;
vect.push_back( {30, {10, 33}} );
vect.push_back( {10, {22, 23}} );
vect.push_back( {20, {22, 23}} );
sort(vect.begin(), vect.end(), cmp);
How to write a comparator for primitives
// descending order based on the first item
bool cmp(pair<int, pair<int, int>> &left, pair<int, pair<int, int>> &right) {
// left will come before the right if left's first item is greater
// returns true if the original order is okay, false if swap is needed
return left.first > right.first;
Iterate using auto
void printVect(vector< pair<int, pair<int, int>>> vect) {
for( auto &pair: vect) {
cout << pair.first << " " << pair.second.first << " " << pair.second.second << endl;
Comparator for custom class + ostream operator overloading.
We will be using the Person class & comparator : compare function later too.
class Person
int salary;
string name;
Person(const int salary, const string& name) {
this->salary = salary; this->name = name;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &strm, const Person &p) {
return strm << "Salary: " << p.salary << " | Name: " << p.name;
class compare {
bool operator() (const Person& left, const Person& right) const {
if (left.salary == right.salary) {
return left.name < right.name;
return left.salary > right.salary;
int main() {
Person staff(500, "Jane"); Person manager(1000, "John");
Person hr(1000, "Arthur");
vector<Person> vect; vect.push_back(manager); vect.push_back(staff);
sort(vect.begin(), vect.end(), compare());
for(const auto &person: vect) {
cout << person << endl;
return 0;
Set | Sorted | Unique elements
Insert, Remove, and Search all logarithmic
set<Person, compare> s;
Person staff(500, "Jane"); Person manager(1000, "John");
Person hr(1000, "Arthur");
for(auto &item: s) {
cout << item << endl;
Person newStaff(500, "Jane");
Erase will work if the provided comparator works just fine.
Person newStaff(500, "Jane");
Person newStaff(500, "Jane");
set<Person, compare>:: iterator iter = s.lower_bound(newStaff);
cout << *iter << endl;
Finding inside a set
Person newStaff(500, "Jane");
set<Person, compare>:: iterator iter = s.find(newStaff);
if (iter != s.end()) {
cout << *iter << endl;
Person newStaff(500, "Jane");
set<Person, compare>:: iterator iter = s.find(newStaff);
if (iter != s.end()) {
unordered_set | hash table
insert, erase, find constant time
Map | Sorted by the keys
Insert, Remove, and Search all logarithmic
Must need empty constructor for the value: custom class, if you are gonna use the [] operator
Person() {}
map<int, Person> mp;
Person staff(500, "Jane"); Person manager(1000, "John");
Person hr(1000, "Arthur");
mp[100] = staff;
mp[100]=staff;mp[200]= manager;mp[300]= hr;
for(const auto &keyVal: mp) {
cout << keyVal.first << " " << keyVal.second << endl;
map<int, Person> :: iterator iter = mp.find(200);
if(iter != mp.end()) {
cout << mp[200] << endl;
map<int, Person> :: iterator iter = mp.lower_bound(200);
cout << iter->first << " " << iter->second << endl;